Label templates

Currently we have 3 different types of labels - see them on the rigth side of this page.

L is for laser printer, and is in A4 format paper.
8 labels on one A4 page.

R is for traditional label printers.

Make sure you always have the latest version of the templates in the following folder on the computer which produces the labels.


Get the latest labeltemplates here!
ANLS example label, R1_L1
Label type L1 and R1 for cardboard boxes.

ANLS example label, R2
Label type R2 for blister pack boxes.

ANLS example label
Label type L3 and R3 for plastic type boxes.

Arvid Nilson A/S • Arnold Nilsens Boulevard 77-79 • DK-2650 Hvidovre • Denmark